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Luxury Lettering at Live Events

Emily Howell

Despite COVID-19 greatly affecting every moment of our lives over the past almost year and a half, I was still able to participate in some brand events doing live calligraphy. Armed with two masks and a plastic shield, I ventured out during the holidays to engrave calligraphy into glasses for Laphroaig and also do some lettering on gift tags and other goodies.

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Around Mother’s Day, as things were starting to slow creep back into some normalcy, I got to work with Tiffany & Co. to gift some lovely Mother’s Day cards as a gift with purchase along with beautiful florals from The Perfect Petal. Having a special calligraphy gift to go along with your jewelry can only make things better!

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I am hoping that as things move back toward a more normal pace here in the Denver, I can participate in more live calligraphy events and brand activations. It is always so fun to get to greet people in person and give them something special. But even as customers are still wary to get back into shopping malls, seasonal previews and corporate gifts are always more special with calligraphy personalization!

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